Get lot of tutorials and methods how to make anything self without help.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Sunday, January 14, 2024
How to create blog in 2024
Optimize your blog posts for search engines like Google, Bing, Yandex, etc. So you’ll get organic traffic from search engines.
Make Money With Your Blog – Once you’re getting some traffic to your blog, then it’s very easy to make money with your blog. There are several ways to monetize a blog. You can put ads to your site, adding affiliate links, writing paid reviews and sponsored posts, selling digital products, etc.
Above featured How To Start A Blog In 2021 – Beginner Guide (Step-by-Step), which shows you how you can start a blog in 2021. Hopefully, this article helps you to start a blog in 2021. Let me know in the comment section what you think about this article.
Please share this article if you enjoy it!
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Make money by afiliate
Din categoria "Monitizarea blogului", astazi vom vedea cum putem face bani prin afilierea la site-ul 2Parale.
Una din metodele de a face bani prin intermediul blogului vostru este sa puneti anunturi de la Google Adsense. Dar nu intotdeauna aceasta varianta da si rezultatele dorite, asa ca trebuie sa ne gandim si la alte metode de a face bani.
Metoda pe care vreau sa v-o arat astazi este de a face bani prin vanzarea de produse ale magazinelor inscrise in platforma de marketing afiliat 2Parale.
In marketingul afiliat esti platit pentru performanta, adica esti platit de catre magazinele online cu un procent stabilit dinainte pentru fiecare produs pe care il vinzi prin intermediul link-ul de afiliat pus la dispozitie de platforma 2Parale.
Pentru a va inscrie, accesati acest link: 2Parale
Din partea de sus dreapta accesati link-ul "Afiliati" si veti ajunge intr-o pagina care va prezinta cateva informatii despre cum sa faceti bani cu blogul vostru prin marketing afiliat cu 2Parale. Aveti in pagina si un filmulet pe care va sfatuiesc sa-l vedeti pentru a intelege mai bine ce este marketing afiliat si cum poti face bani cu el.
In continuare pentru a va face un cont de afiliat trebuie sa dati clic pe butonul: "Incepe sa castigi bani" si apoi sa va completati datele de inregistrare.
Trebuie sa fie datele voastre reale, deoarece la un moment dat va trebui sa primiti banii castigati si altfel nu veti avea cum sa-i primiti.
Accesati meniul "Campanii" si in partea dreapta in sidebar dati clic pe butonul "Director Campanii".
Se va deschide lista cu categoriile de campanii din care trebuie sa selectati ce categorie de magazine sa promovati.
Accesati categoria dorita si se vor afisa magazinele specifice acelei categorii. In dreptul magazinului dorit accesati link-ul "detalii" care va va duce in pagina cu detalii despre magazin si despre campanie.
Daca v-ati hotarat sa promovati acel magazin, atunci aplicati la campanie prin apasarea butonui "Aplica la Campanie".
Dupa ce ati aplicat la campanie va trebui sa asteptati ca magazinul sa va aprobe. Aprobarea poate sa fie instant sau poate dura cateva zile pana la aprobare.
Convertirea link-urilor presupune transformarea url-ului unui produs din magazinul online, in link de afiliere.
Alegeti un produs din magazin, copiatii url-ul si introduceti-l in caseta din dreptul optiunii "Quick Link". Apasati butonul "Conversie" si link-ul va fi transformat,
Pentru bannere trebuie sa cobarati in pagina mai jos pana la optiunea "Bannere". Alegeti bannerul dorit si apoi selectati link-ul "arata cod". Nu va ramane de facut decat sa copiati codul in postarea voastra sau intr-un obiect gadget din sidebar.
HoW to crate a blog free
Create a blog
- Sign in to Blogger.
- On the left, click the Down arrow .
- Click New blog.
- Enter a name for your blog.
- Click Next.
- Choose a blog address or URL.
- Click Save.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Ce este un airdrop
Am observat ca in ultima vreme airdropurile sunt foarte populare si exista pe ClubPtc cateva persoane interesate de acest subiect asa ca m-am decis sa deschid un topic special pentru asta unde o sa postez cat de des pot aidropuri. O sa incep prin a povesti si explica putin despre ce inseamna Aidrop,pentru necunoscatori.
Ce inseamna airdrop?Exista mai multe tipuri de airdrop dar o sa vorbim doar despre ce ne intereseaza pe noi. Deci airdrop inseamna cryptomonede gratis.
De ce se ofera Airdropuri?
Probabil va intrebati de ce anume proiectele ofera acele monede gratis, care teoretic au o anumita valoare. O sa va dau un exemplu din viata reala. Ganditiva ca sunteti la cumparaturi in supermarket-ul vostru preferat sau orice magazin iar unul dintre angajati va ofera o monstra dintr-o mancare ca sa o gustati, si desigur ca o sa fie delicioasa. Dupa ce gustati acea monstra angajatul va spune "daca va placut ce a-ti gustat o puteti gasi la raionul 7". Doar de la acea muscatura din mancare s-ar sa mergeti si sa cumparati acel produs.
La fel ca in exemplul de mai sus, proiectele ofera monede gratis fiindca sansele sunt mai mare ca cineva sa cumpere monedele lor daca deja cunosc ceva despre ele, decat sa cumpere alte monede despre care nu cunosc nimic.
Unde voi primi acele monede?
Pentru a putea primi acele monede gratis, aveti nevoie de un wallet(portofel) de Etereum. Foarte important este ca aveti nevoie de un wallet care sa nu fie de la un exchange(Coinbase,Binance,etc.). La majoritatea airdropurilor veti gasi fraza “ERC20 non-exchange wallet”, ERC20 insemnand un wallet care suporta sistemul blockchain Ethereum.
Cel mai popular si cel mai recomandat wallet care suporta ECR20 este MyEtherWallet, avand prescutarea MEW care o veti gasi pe unele site-uri.
Ce informatii sunt nevoie pentru airdrop si cum ma inscriu?
Pentru majoritatea airdropurilor aveti nevoie doar de un cont Telegram si o adresa Ethereum(care o gasiti in wallet). Unele airdropuri pot solicita mici task-uri ca de exemplu: like/share/follow pe retelele de socializare. Va voi explica pas cu pas ce anume trebuie sa faceti pentru fiecare airdrop in parte.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Do follow blog link building
Lista bloguri dofollow de limba romana
Un blog dofollow in care iti poti pune lincuri bune pe keywords-uri ca:
* …hrmpf!
* de demult
* de zi cu zi
* despre blog
* facultate
* Italia
* leapsa
* Muzica
* retete (retete vegetariene)
Treci si pe la fata si lasa-i un comentariu (a nu se citi spam). Fetei ii dau lacrimile cand vede traficul crescand (doar e copilul ei)... mi-a placut la nebunie fata, si aproape mi-au dat si mie lacrimile citind asta ...
Un blog cu filme, cu dofollow si cu moderatori (luptatori anti SPAM)
Ciprian scrie despre:
* Antreprenoriat
* General
* Idei
* Mai mult, mai bine
* Marketing
* Online
* Personal
Blogul este dofollow dar inca nu stiu daca sunt moderate comentariile; sa verific am pus un comentariu aici .....
Ciprian este dofollow, modereaza comentariile si se ocupa de:
* audible
* branding
* creative design
* culoare
* grafica
* internet
* necenzurat!
* soft
* trade mark
* zilnice
L-am verificat ..... este do follow (dofollow) blogul "Forme Abstracte".... si comentariile nu sunt moderate VA ROG FARA SPAM
am vazut ca nu are nofollow in source ... cand am incercat un comentariu, dupa trimitere a afisat o pagina albaaaaaa ... ori nu merg comentariile, ori n-a aparut comentariul pt ca e moderat ... mai urmarim ... comentariul de test pentru lista dofollow l-am facut aici ... mai verificam .... - ALEGE CEVA COOL PENTRU BLOGUL TÄ‚U ! widgets, badges, webmaster tools, stats, membership
Este un blog care sustine Susţine Anti Gay Fest ...
"Această campanie se numeÅŸte ANTI-GAY FEST … nu … ANTI-GAY!
Deci, nu vă grăbiţi să acuzaţi pe cineva pentru că militează împotriva unui eveniment!" este un blog dofollow, si comentariile sunt necomentate (zice adminul acestui blog ... de spam se ocupa askimet ... asa ca nu faceti spam .
Un blog de fotbal dofollow (cu fotbal fara nofollow)
Am verificat; nu are nofollow; este un blog de fotbal do follow; comentariile nu sunt moderate; Fara SPAM va rog!
are dofollow blogul "Acord parental" dar are si moderator neobosit ;) asa ca fara spam fete si baieti1
Iata si un blog in care "Curgea baccilii de ftizie,
curgea încet, treptat, treptat" (o dilema de trei ori?)
Nu l-am verificat ... poate=l verificati voi daca are dofollow si imi lasati un comentariu sa spunem la toata lumea nu?
este ok ... are dofollow (rel="external" si nu rel="external nofollow" cum este implicit la platforma wordpress)
Iata cateva dintre etichetele acestui blog doffollow:
- Acasă
- Adina
- afaceri
- android
- apache
- audio
- dns
- e-mail
- electrica
- fedora
- Firefox
- firewall
- ftp
- fuck
- fundaţia
- google
- howto
- idei
- internet
- iptables
- Linux
- masina
- Mozilla
- mysql
- Nikon D40
- openvpn
- orange
- permis
- photo
- php
- proftpd
- Răstoliţa
- RDS România
- Romtelecom
- rss
- securitate
- server
- Server Linux
- statul roman
- Târgu Mureş
- Ubuntu
- video
- web
- windows
Bobitza ne conditioneaza sa fim comentatori activi daca vrem comentariu dofollow (se spune prin targ si am sa verific asta domnle ca merita ... mde PR 5 si pe langa linc dofollow (do-follow) mai poate trimite si vizitatori ca are destui ;)
Am adaugat un comentariu de proba ....aici
Coana Veta punct ro cred ca va fi un blogulet de amuzament (deocamdata este hellow world pe el - vrajeala lu wordpress ca sa fie ceva acolo - mi l-a recomandat si mie cineva intr-un comment si nu m-am obosit sa-l verific
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Twitch channel make money
Monetize your Twitch channel
Gaming could be a way to make money from home if you have a steady following on Twitch, the go-to site for gamers. Streamers can receive donations from viewers and even get a share of subscription and ad revenue if they reach Affiliate or Partner status. Learn more about how to make money on Twitch.
Make money by influencer
Become an Instagram influencer
Companies are using Instagram influencers — people with large, dedicated followings on the platform — to rep their products. You can get in on the action by applying for opportunities via a marketing platform like Open Influence or Aspire, or by contacting the brands you want to work with. Read more about how to make money on Instagram. (You can also make money on TikTok this way.)
Make money adevertising
Get advertising revenue from your blog or YouTube channel
Turn your cat videos into cash videos. If your YouTube videos or blog posts draw a big audience, you may be able to make money from advertising. YouTube sets 1,000 subscribers as the benchmark for applying for the YouTube Partner Program. YouTube Partners then get access to monetizing features, including a share of ad revenue. You can also use Google’s AdSense, the same ad platform on YouTube, to put relevant ads on your blog or website for earning potential. Read more about how to make money on YouTube and Google AdSense.
Make money by sell e-book
elf-publish an e-book
Writing a good book is tough, but the internet makes it easy to bring it to market. If you’re a writer who can churn out pages, you can use Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing to sell your books(s) on the Kindle store. It’s free to publish a book, and you can earn up to 70% of each sale in royalties. Write your book, enter a clear description and the details to be displayed and upload your manuscript. Set the price and see if it sells.
Make money on etsy
Sell your wares on Etsy
Have a penchant for woodworking, jewelry-making, embroidery or pottery? Sell your crafts on Etsy, the go-to site for artisans selling home goods, art and knickknacks. According to Etsy, the company has 95 million active buyers, and grossed over $13 billion in merchandise sales in 2022. Learn more about how to make money on Etsy.
Make money by afiliate
Make money from your blog with affiliate links
If you’re a blogger who gets decent traffic, you could make money by joining an affiliate network. Affiliates (that’s you) get paid when someone clicks through from the website to the partner site and buys something there. Some bloggers make a lot of money this way, particularly those who do affiliate marketing full-time. Read more about affiliate marketing and other ways bloggers can make money.
Make money by take surveys
Take surveys for money
You can make money from home by taking online surveys, but don’t expect to earn a lot. Survey sites don’t typically offer a big payoff, and many sites are more useful for earning gift cards than cash. Some of the more popular survey sites include Swagbucks and Survey Junkie. Read our analysis of survey sites to find out which one is best suited for you.
Make money with AI
Learn to use AI tools
The use of generative artificial intelligence is on the rise. A recent report from PwC estimates that the North American economy will see a $3.7 trillion impact by 2030, thanks to the AI market.
So there’s no better time to learn how to make money by using AI tools. Some AI-related side hustles include:
Integrating AI tools as a freelancer, to help you create digital products or to edit AI content for a client.
Improving your advertising, marketing efforts and management of your existing small business.
Teaching others to use AI tools.
Total time: Depends on demand. Setup: Around 24-48 hours if using a site like Upwork or How easy to start: If you’re already familiar with AI tools, it will be easier to get started. Age threshold: 16+ for and 18 for Upwork. How fast you'll get paid: Varies by client or the number of products you sell and your chosen platform.
Test app and earn money
Test websites and apps
Another way to make money from home is on sites like You get paid for your thoughts on how well — or not so well — certain websites and apps work. You’ll have to complete a short test to be accepted, then you’ll be paid depending on the test type.
Total time: Approval time can vary. Setup: Less than an hour. How easy to start: Easy, if you have the tech gear and complete a sample test. Age threshold: 18+. How fast you'll get paid: Seven days.
Make money online freelancer
Pick up freelance work online
Make money online through websites such as Upwork, Fiverr and These sites offer opportunities to do a variety of freelance jobs, such as writing, programming, design, marketing, data entry and being a virtual assistant. Fluent in a second language? Check sites such as Gengo or Blend Express, or drum up business through a site of your own. No matter what freelancing you do, keep track of the going rate for the kind of work you provide so you know what to charge. Learn how to get started on Upwork.
A recent report from found that creative writing jobs had the fastest growth in listings on its site in the second quarter of 2023, up 58%. And although generative artificial intelligence (AI) is being used more for content creation, it can’t fully do the work of human writers. Companies are looking for writers who know how to edit AI content and who have at least a basic understanding of search engine optimization — learning or beefing up SEO skills could be a lucrative side hustle. Some freelancers are charging $100 an hour or more for their freelance writing services.
Total time: It can take a while to get your first gig. Setup: 24-48 hours. How easy to start: Easy, if you have the expertise. How fast you'll get paid: Varies by site
Roller coin earn pasive money
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You are new in roller coin.? Read this .. Roller coin its a simulator for mining with pobisilites to earn money pasive.. how its posible th...
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