Tuesday, June 2, 2020

BotsChain - Get 2500 BSTKN (Register & Confirm Email. DONE)

Boostchain is a blockchain-powered advertising platform that allows advertisers to reward viewers with cryptocurrency through the Boostchain network.


How to Claim 2500 BTSKN?
1. Register Here: https://boostchain.io/
2. Fill your exmail, full name, and etc.
3. Confirm Email, and DONE

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A doua Plata dualmine

Am primit de curand si a doua plata de la acest site Dualmine.com Multiple your Bitcoin & Ethereum

In total pe acest site am 110mh/s pentru a produce doge

La inregistrare primiti automat 100gh/s pentru bitcoin valabil 1 an de zile

Payup video earnings

 V-ati intrebat vreodata daca exista cu adevarat un site care sa plateasca sa vezi clipuri pe youtube? Daca nu v-ati intrebat,sa stiti oricu...